Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Today starts a New Year and along with it a more conservative way of life.  Today I called and had my satellite subscription turned off.  Will see if  we can do without it.  We have started buying movies and seasons of shows that we commonly watch in anticipation of this day.
I will be rearranging my pantry this week to see what needs to be restocked, (brown sugar powdered sugar, sugar, baking supplies etc.)  as I intend to do more from scratch cooking this year.
Our chickens have started laying again, but I need to get a few more chickens.  Would also like to hatch some chickens this year to raise.
I am now homeschooling my daughter so hope that goes well.  I have many plans for the coming year and I am hoping as I blog about the things I want to do, it will keep me motivated to do them.  It will also be awesome to see how things go in our lives in the coming year.

have a blessed and wonderful new year

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